The main challenge I faced before working with Toni was trying to understand the rapid onset of serious medical symptoms that my previously/seemingly healthy 14-year-old cat was suddenly experiencing.

In only a few weeks, though, this transitioned into end-of-life decisioning challenges and sudden-onset grief trauma.

Toni initially assisted me by scheduling multiple/impromptu animal communication sessions.

These helped to enhance my understanding of what Leena was experiencing, so as to better empathize with her situation, from her perspective.

As her condition degraded, this assistance morphed into full-on emotional support for me as well as practical decisioning regarding euthanasia, once the true nature of her dire prognosis was confirmed.

On multiple occasions, Toni made herself available on-demand and at times that were known to not really be convenient for her — yet, necessary for me — a fact made more pronounced by the timing of others in my support system being unavailable when decisions were needed. What a hero!

Having stepped up for this enormous responsibility and objective presence, Toni’s loving kindness shall forever be “immortalized” in the joyful memory that Leena will always represent.

I have been more able to move through sudden and indescribable grief, both because of the dialogue that occurred prior to Leena’s passing and because of Toni’s assistance in creating a foundation more amicable to post-loss resolution.

In having had to make decisions that, without her help, may have resulted in painfully unresolved complicated grief, my gratitude is eternal for her assistance in helping to prepare a foundation upon which to move forward, otherwise.

Mike Taylor and Leena